
The Battersea Ball 2022

Friday 25th November

It’s become known as the Biggest Charity Fundraising Party in Battersea, and there’s no doubt that for many people this event has always marked the start of the festive season. Our last ball in 2019 saw over  1,300 people  raising a record £62,000 to help the Battersea Crime Prevention Panel fund Battersea Summer Scheme  and many other projects.

For some years now the event has been staged at Battersea Evolution. It has become one of the largest charity Balls in London and is the reason why the Panel is able to function so successfully, with much of its funding coming from income raised by this event.

The organisation is co-ordinated by a small, dedicated committee. The detailed planning involves providing all the auction items, 450 raffle prizes, arranging publicity, and finding advertising to cover costs. Volunteers are always very welcome!

It’s a tribute to the team’s efficiency that everyone always has a wonderful time, with people returning year after year!

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Biggest Charity Fundraising Party